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Friend to those on the frontline

HeartMyCare is LIVE!
our groundbreaking mobile application for nurses
Now available on the App Store and Google Play.
Check it our here.
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At Caremiga, pronounced [keir-mee-guh], we take care of the people that take care of you. We are dedicated to improving the delivery of healthcare by inspiring and empowering the people on the frontlines—from the nurses giving the very best care to the patients giving their very best to get better. We aim to give life to those who give life. We are a friend to those on the frontline.


Using unique and innovative approaches, we are developing resourceful solutions that put the power of care in the hands of those vital to its delivery. While patients are the heart of everything we do, nurses and other direct care professionals are the lifeblood of healthcare. And purpose is the stimulus that keeps it beating well.


Caremiga is about strengthening the connection between patients and providers, empowering each other toward improved health and fulfillment.

Our Services


"Recognition is the oxygen of the soul. It breathes life into our efforts and fuels our desire to keep pushing forward."

Oprah Winfrey

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