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Welcome to

Ready to show your love for your amazing nurse?

HeartMyCare is a mobile app designed for patients to rate nurses and celebrate their dedication. Since both patients and nurses are on the go, HeartMyCare is too!

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To download the HeartMyCare app,

scan this QR code or tap here.

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Within minutes, you will be able to share your heartfelt thanks.

Need help with the app?

We've got you covered! Follow these easy steps...


Go to app store to get HeartMyCare. It is FREE.

On your cell phone or mobile device, go to the app store.

This for iPhones and other iOS or Apple devices

This for Android phones and other Google Devices

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Already know how to download the app? Skip to number 5


Search for HeartMyCare

Tap the magnifying glass (🔍) on the app store, type HeartMyCare without spaces.

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Download HeartMyCare

After the search, you should see the friendly HeartMyCare icon. Tap the download or install image.

It may take a few minutes to download depending on your device.

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Open HeartMyCare

Once installed, it will give you the option to open the HeartMyCare app from the app store or you can find the HeartMyCare icon on one of your screens like any other app. Tap the icon to open HeartMyCare.

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Sign Up for HeartMyCare

You will have to create an account so that your nurse can identify you and to ensure you are human, not a bot. Sign Up by tapping "Sign Up" or you have the option of logging in with your Apple or Google account to use HeartMyCare.

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Sign Up Screen 1:
Patient or Nurse?

Tap the Patient icon.

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Sign Up Screen 2:
Private Profile

Fill in all the blanks. Enter your email and password carefully, as you'll need them to log in.

This is a secure profile. Your private data is kept confidential.

Tap "Next" to continue.

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Sign Up Screen 3:
Public Profile

Almost done! Add a profile picture and create a unique username - both help nurses recognize you when you rate them. Tap the image to choose a photo.

Scroll down to confirm and continue.

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Sign In

Congratulations! You're now signed up. Use your email and password to sign in and enjoy the benefits of HeartMyCare.

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Account Confirmation

We've sent a secure code (OTP) to your email to confirm your account. Check your inbox, including spam or junk folders, if you don't see it right away.

Enter the code here. You will not need to do this again when you log in next time.

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Home Screen

Welcome to your home screen! From here, you can rate nurses enrolled on HeartMyCare.

  • Search by name: Use the search bar or browse the list below it to find your nurse's username / name.

  • Scan a QR code: Tap the scanner icon (top right) to scan a nurse's code.

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Search for a Nurse

2 ways to search for a nurse:

  1. Search bar or list by the nurse's name or username

  2. Scan the nurse's QR code

The nurse must have a HeartMyCare account also.

A nurse would love your feedback...please encourage the nurse to sign up for HeartMyCare.

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Rate Your Nurse

Rating your nurse is easy as 1-2-3:

  1. Tap on the number of hearts that reflect how much you loved the care you received from your nurse.

  2. Scroll through the list and choose qualities you saw in your nurse

  3. On the comments screen, share personal feedback and express gratitude towards your nurse.

Don't forget to submit it!

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CONGRATULATIONS! You have successfully rated your nurse!

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